This past May, I had an amazing experience. My brother invited me to officiate his wedding and as part of that, he offered to buy custom suits for me and my brothers who were groomsman. We went to Joseph A Banks and walked through the entire process of selecting the style, the fabric, getting measured, … Read more

One kind word can warm three winter months. Japanese Proverb

In one of my last flights home after a keynote before the pandemic broke out, I happened to sit beside a retired marine veteran, Chuck Johnson. “I’m glad you came to work today!”, he told Jennifer, our flight attendant. I noticed how these 7 simple words amplified her joy which in turn elevated the customer … Read more


Specially with the pandemic, it’s no hard feat to look around you and see somebody feeling down. In this video, I share the seemingly magical words I first heard from my business coach Mark Leblanc way back in July 2014. This simple yet powerful phrase helped push me forward and encourage me despite the initial … Read more

How can you keep your team focused on what matters most? In this video I talk about 3 important components to creating a high engagement culture that many overlook when trying to lead their team in chaos, or good times.   Now, it’s your turn. What are the important components in YOUR company, organization, or teams … Read more

feeling overwhelmed

How many times a day do you find yourself overwhelmed by stress or not operating from a positive perspective? In these uncertain and chaotic times, I know this has been a consistent challenge for me. In this video, you will pick up a strategy that’s helped me break negative thinking loops and shift myself into … Read more

  I hope my message finds you safe and well despite all we are enduring in our world.  Like you, I’m navigating the path of uncertainty and trying to Lead in the Unknown everyday. In the video above, you will learn the 2 ways that always help me find focus and get unstuck when I’m … Read more

leading through tough times

No question, we are leading our lives in difficult times and facing challenges we’ve never experienced. Leading in the Unknown requires us to believe in ourselves and those we lead even when our foundation of courage has been shaken to its core. Please watch the video above and share.

Here is an unexpected way you can build trust as a leader in your work environment.   Perhaps you already consider yourself a leader. Or maybe you think, “I don’t have anyone who reports directly to me, but I do want more influence.” That’s what leadership is all about: having a greater impact and serving … Read more

Creating a transformational team experience is something I encourage you to do. Way beyond a teambuilding activity, a transformational team experience can create a shift in the commitment and focus of your team. The alignment and momentum can sustain performance improvements well beyond the event. This could be for your professional team at work or … Read more

how you show up matters

My son, Manley version 3.0, was 8 years old when he looked up at me with an intense focus. I assumed he was just trying to figure out if I was okay because I did look haggard. I had just completed a self-rescue of my injured partner and myself after living on El Capitan for … Read more