The year 2020 has been a challenge in so many ways. For some, it’s even been traumatic. Now that we’re transitioning to a new year, I’m sharing two helpful ways to help you reset your mind and get restarted in the right direction. All you need is 5-10 minutes out of your day to make … Read more

How can you keep your team focused on what matters most? In this video I talk about 3 important components to creating a high engagement culture that many overlook when trying to lead their team in chaos, or good times.   Now, it’s your turn. What are the important components in YOUR company, organization, or teams … Read more

leading through tough times

No question, we are leading our lives in difficult times and facing challenges we’ve never experienced. Leading in the Unknown requires us to believe in ourselves and those we lead even when our foundation of courage has been shaken to its core. Please watch the video above and share.

how you show up matters

My son, Manley version 3.0, was 8 years old when he looked up at me with an intense focus. I assumed he was just trying to figure out if I was okay because I did look haggard. I had just completed a self-rescue of my injured partner and myself after living on El Capitan for … Read more

The Crux to a Better Week We all have those weeks. Everything is smooth sailing, you’re meeting your deadlines, and things are looking good. And then, halfway through the week, something happens that sets you back. Perhaps you got blindsided on a project, or maybe what seemed like a minor problem at the beginning of … Read more

strategies for success

In this blog, you are going to gain 11 strategies to be successful when you feel weighed down. I’m going to briefly cover my struggle of the past year for me and what helped me be successful despite the issues I was dealing with in 2018. Listen to my video or read through my list … Read more

sleep strategies

This is not about getting more sleep; this is about getting BETTER sleep. More sleep won’t get you more energy if it is not high-quality sleep. I guarantee if you try some of these weird ideas, you will enjoy dramatic sleep results. Watch me talk about these sleep strategies below or scroll down to read. … Read more

get off the results roller coaster

For the first half of my career, I found the results roller coaster to be a thrilling ride. Most of my work was project work, and when the project was successfully completed it was a high. But then came the low. Project work can be exhausting mentally and physically. Inevitably what followed the successful completion … Read more

Let’s consider the question: How to stand out more, earn more, and be more fulfilled? How to lift yourself up is a question I am asked a lot. In the professional speaking world many of my colleagues say, “Why do you spend so much money on personal and professional development?” My joking answer is, “I … Read more