How to Master the Art of the Restart

Momentum and the Climbing Mindset: A Strategy for Personal Growth

Have you ever felt like you've lost momentum in your life? Maybe you started the year with ambitious resolutions that have already stalled, or you're struggling to maintain consistency in a personal project, work initiative, or health challenge. I want to share a transformative strategy that comes straight from the world of climbing – a perspective that might just change how you approach the inevitable setbacks in your daily life.

An Unexpected Insight from Climbing

Let me take you back to a pivotal moment during a climb on El Capitan in 2022. We were on the wall with Steve Schneider, a legendary climber, when something happened that perfectly illustrates a critical life lesson.

Steve was leading a challenging section, about 450 feet up, when he suddenly took a significant fall – spinning at the end of his rope after a piece of gear popped.

In that moment, something remarkable happened. Instead of becoming defeated, Steve paused, looked at my son, who was literally holding Steve’s life in his hands…. and said, “Manley, thanks for stopping me! I appreciate you!” My son's simple response? “I got you, Steve!”

Embracing the Fall: A Different Perspective

Here's the key insight that climbers understand differently: We expect to fall. In climbing, falling isn't a failure – it's an anticipated part of the journey. We build systems to fall safely, to learn, and to restart. This mindset is revolutionary when applied to life's challenges.

When Steve fell, he didn't see it as a catastrophic end. Instead, it was just another moment in his climbing journey. Within moments, he was back on the rope, analyzing his previous move, and preparing to continue. He knew exactly what he did wrong and was ready to try again.

The Art of the Restart: Three Tactical Steps

I've developed what I call “Master the Art of the Restart” – a strategy that can transform how you approach challenges:

1. Recall a Previous Summit

When you fall or face a setback, immediately recall a previous success. Steve did this instantly, remembering he'd overcome similar challenges before.

2. Re-examine and Plan Your Next Move

Don't get caught up in overthinking. Focus on the immediate next steps. Even small moves – 10 or 15 minutes of progress – can reignite your momentum.

3. Restart Before You're 100% Ready

This is crucial. Don't wait for the perfect moment. Steve wasn't completely prepared, but he started climbing again immediately.

Avoiding Restart Traps

Watch out for two common mental barriers:

  • The Calendar Restart: Avoid saying, “I'll restart on Monday” or “I'll begin next month.” Restart immediately.
  • The Emotional Restart: Don't wait until you “feel” ready. Give yourself a short grace period, then get moving.

Your Restart Challenge

Take a moment to ask yourself: What do you need to restart? What project, habit, or initiative have you let slip that used to bring value to your life?

Remember, if you micromanage your momentum, you'll summit more often. Expect falls, prepare for them, and develop the resilience to restart quickly.

Final Thoughts

I've got you on belay. You can restart. You've got this.

What will you restart today?

Reaching Your Next Summit Manley Feinberg II