My Mom has been on my mind a lot recently — the lessons she taught me, the things she did very well, and especially her superstar gifts. I’ve been reflecting back and thinking if I’ve been living up to them well. One particularly amazing thing about her was how she would not let even a … Read more

One kind word can warm three winter months. Japanese Proverb

In one of my last flights home after a keynote before the pandemic broke out, I happened to sit beside a retired marine veteran, Chuck Johnson. “I’m glad you came to work today!”, he told Jennifer, our flight attendant. I noticed how these 7 simple words amplified her joy which in turn elevated the customer … Read more

  Please watch the video above for the quick story and more details to help you. Below is the summary: I recently celebrated meditating for 1000 days in a row. I’m not an inherently structured or consistent person, and this is the only performance habit I’ve had this level of commitment to ever. Why? Because it’s … Read more

In this pandemic landscape where all our lives are taking place right now, it’s easy to fall in a rut where you feel stuck and unmotivated. This is especially true if you are looking at yourself through the lens of questions like, “Do I feel as good as I want to be?” or “Am I … Read more


Specially with the pandemic, it’s no hard feat to look around you and see somebody feeling down. In this video, I share the seemingly magical words I first heard from my business coach Mark Leblanc way back in July 2014. This simple yet powerful phrase helped push me forward and encourage me despite the initial … Read more

The year 2020 has been a challenge in so many ways. For some, it’s even been traumatic. Now that we’re transitioning to a new year, I’m sharing two helpful ways to help you reset your mind and get restarted in the right direction. All you need is 5-10 minutes out of your day to make … Read more

How can you keep your team focused on what matters most? In this video I talk about 3 important components to creating a high engagement culture that many overlook when trying to lead their team in chaos, or good times.   Now, it’s your turn. What are the important components in YOUR company, organization, or teams … Read more

feeling overwhelmed

How many times a day do you find yourself overwhelmed by stress or not operating from a positive perspective? In these uncertain and chaotic times, I know this has been a consistent challenge for me. In this video, you will pick up a strategy that’s helped me break negative thinking loops and shift myself into … Read more

  I hope my message finds you safe and well despite all we are enduring in our world.  Like you, I’m navigating the path of uncertainty and trying to Lead in the Unknown everyday. In the video above, you will learn the 2 ways that always help me find focus and get unstuck when I’m … Read more

leading through tough times

No question, we are leading our lives in difficult times and facing challenges we’ve never experienced. Leading in the Unknown requires us to believe in ourselves and those we lead even when our foundation of courage has been shaken to its core. Please watch the video above and share.