My Mom has been on my mind a lot recently — the lessons she taught me, the things she did very well, and especially her superstar gifts. I’ve been reflecting back and thinking if I’ve been living up to them well. One particularly amazing thing about her was how she would not let even a … Read more

One kind word can warm three winter months. Japanese Proverb

In one of my last flights home after a keynote before the pandemic broke out, I happened to sit beside a retired marine veteran, Chuck Johnson. “I’m glad you came to work today!”, he told Jennifer, our flight attendant. I noticed how these 7 simple words amplified her joy which in turn elevated the customer … Read more

Creating a transformational team experience is something I encourage you to do. Way beyond a teambuilding activity, a transformational team experience can create a shift in the commitment and focus of your team. The alignment and momentum can sustain performance improvements well beyond the event. This could be for your professional team at work or … Read more

strategies for success

In this blog, you are going to gain 11 strategies to be successful when you feel weighed down. I’m going to briefly cover my struggle of the past year for me and what helped me be successful despite the issues I was dealing with in 2018. Listen to my video or read through my list … Read more

sleep strategies

This is not about getting more sleep; this is about getting BETTER sleep. More sleep won’t get you more energy if it is not high-quality sleep. I guarantee if you try some of these weird ideas, you will enjoy dramatic sleep results. Watch me talk about these sleep strategies below or scroll down to read. … Read more