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Overwhelmed? How to Break Your Stress Loop to Lead in the Unknown

How many times a day do you find yourself overwhelmed by stress or not operating from a positive perspective? In these uncertain and chaotic times, I know this has been a consistent challenge for me.

In this video, you will pick up a strategy that’s helped me break negative thinking loops and shift myself into a more positive state of presence and focus.

Tell me what you think or share your own experiences in the comments below. I love hearing from you!

4 Responses to Overwhelmed? How to Break Your Stress Loop to Lead in the Unknown

  1. Thank you for this reminder. Always a loop-stopper when an offspring mirrors universal wisdom! Your comments also reminded me of “The Work” by Byron Katie who talks about questioning the beliefs that are driving our fears, sadness, anxiety. Is what we believe/think true? And what would happen if did not believe those thoughts? How could we turn the thought around to its opposite? So much wisdom! Thank you again, Manley v. 2.0.

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